December 7, 2014

Found water pipes

While they were digging, the workers uncovered some water pipes.  We knew these pipes were there, but before we started digging, the community leaders had told us we couldn't move them due to a community rule.  It was very frustrating for us, because their rules are based on tradition rather than logic.  There are about 25 users downstream from our land that use water from this "second water project" pipe, and they are worried that moving the pipe will worsen their service.  Our water connection is not to this project, but to another pipe for the "third water project" which also runs through our land above the house site.
The main pipe we found runs diagonally
through our house site and parking area.
A branch to a neighbor runs through
the ministry building site.
There are other branches that also run to neighbor's houses.  We hoped by uncovering the pipes, the leaders might understand why we need to move the pipe(s).  We don't really want a pipe through our dining room!