Support the Montgomery Family

Our work is funded entirely through donations from family and friends like you.
If you contribute to our support, you will be sharing in God's compassion for the Guatemalan Mayans as you help us stay on the mission field.  We need people like you to make our ministry possible!

You can give a tax-deductible donation to us online by going to  Select the Donate link, and then click on the Donate button next to Guatemala Montgomerys.  If you want to write a check, it may be sent to:

Christian Life Fellowship
P.O. Box 5043
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-5043

with the check made payable to Christian Life Fellowship.  Please include a note saying the donation is for the Montgomery family.

If you wish to send a direct gift (our preferred method), and you don't need a tax-deductible receipt, please make your check payable to Michael Montgomery and mail it to the same address.  It will be deposited directly into our bank account.

Thank you!  We appreciate you!
     Michael, Heather (Erica), Carrie, Elena, Andrea, and Veronica