December 23, 2014

Finally moved the water pipe

The next week, the leaders assigned to the second water project came out to do the work of moving the pipe.  No one but those particular leaders is allowed to cut or work on the pipes in any way. 
Detouring around the house site
Praise the Lord, all turned out well, and the downstream neighbors were happy, except for our closest neighbor, Felipe.  He was complaining the next day that his faucet wasn't working well, and it must be our fault.  After talking through several ideas including digging new ditches and running all new pipes to his house, our builder walked over to his house to see the faucet for himself.  The faucet was old, and the mechanism had stopped working!  So we bought him a new faucet, our builder installed it, and everyone was happy!
Felipe and Sylvia's house
Diego and his helper replacing the
faucet in our neighbors' "kitchen sink"