December 28, 2014

First and second electric columns

To receive electricity, we first had to install a concrete column.  We chose a place that seemed good at the entrance to our driveway, built the column, and started the process of applying for electric service.
First they prepared the rebar grid.
The column was on the edge of our land,
so they built the footer one-sided.
Right as the worker from the electric company was scheduled to arrive, our neighbor (on the other side of our driveway) fussed that we didn't have permission to drive over a small corner of his land to enter our driveway.  Our driveway is at an angle sharper than a right angle relative to the road, and the road is very narrow with a 5-foot drop-off into a cornfield on the other side.  The column's position at the entrance further complicated the entry, so we had to make a quick, difficult decision to tear down the column and build another one further up the driveway on the other side.

We had three days before our application would expire, so the workers got right to work the next day, finally finishing pouring the new concrete column in the dark.  Our complaining neighbor wasn't happy with the results, because now the column is close to his house, but we discovered that the new position actually benefits our entryway more, since our car is able to pass around the corner without coming close to hitting it.
The new column is now
on the other side of the driveway.
The electric company worker arrived the next day and installed our new line!