September 8, 2013

Car battery search

It has been nice to get home, but also difficult as we face adjusting to a different world again.  When we first returned to Chichi, we found that our car battery had died since our trickle charger had failed and ruined the battery while we were gone. So Carrie and I (Heather/Erica) rode a tuk-tuk into town to check out what was for sale there. We found a couple of batteries that would work, but the newest one was 6 years old. 

Then on another day, Elena and I took a public-transportation microbus to the neighboring town of Quiché (about 11 miles to the north). That was our first time to ride a “minivan bus”, and I thought it was fun. After asking around for car battery stores and walking several blocks to find each one, we didn't find a battery that was right for our car. All of the batteries I saw were 5 to 9 years old. 

So the next day, Veronica and I rode a tuk-tuk back into Chichi in the pouring rain to buy one of the batteries sold there. Michael and I installed the new battery, and what a great feeling we had when, after a bit of hesitation, sputtering, and gray fumes, our car started!!!