November 22, 2012

Basics or luxuries?

One of the things God has been teaching us lately lines up well with Thanksgiving...

We're learning to be thankful for simple things that we never appreciated before.  Like tile floors instead of dirt.  Washing machines instead of washing clothes by hand.  A variety of food instead of only beans and tortillas.  A car instead of public transportation or walking.  Thermal underwear instead of shivering in lightweight clothes.  A computer at home instead of having to pay at an internet cafe.  A gas stove, oven, and microwave instead of cooking over a fire.  Water faucets in the house instead of carrying water from the river.  Hot showers instead of sponge baths.  Toilets in the house instead of an outhouse.  A refrigerator and freezer instead of having to buy food in small amounts because there is no way to keep it.

Just the basics for us Americans, but unattainable luxuries for most of our neighbors.

Happy Thanksgiving!