September 21, 2012

Independence Day Parades

Guatemala celebrated their Independence Day on September 15.  Well, actually, Chichicastenango has parades on three days, starting with the preschoolers on the 13th, then the high school students on the 14th, followed by the elementary students on the 15th.  The girls and I walked into town each day to see all three parades.  
Veronica only came with us the first morning
to see "the babies" as she calls the preschoolersThe
other days she stayed home to take her usual nap.
They closed off the main highway for a few
hours each morning while the parade
slowly made its way through Chichi.
Waiting for the parade to begin!
There were several school bands...
and lots of pretty costumes...
as well as several groups representing the
traditional Mayan beliefs...
and the traditional Mayan religion still
in practice today.
Some of the highschoolers did
crazy stunts.
All of the children were precious...
and beautiful!