September 9, 2012

Helping with Jesus' Little Lambs School

The girls and I have helped twice with Jesus' Little Lambs School, which is ASELSI's school for mentally and physically handicapped children.  We plan to continue helping about once a month.  These children are such a blessing to us, and we hope to be a blessing to them!  They are in the physical therapy program at ASELSI and come for a half-day of school once a week.

Evelyn, age 17, has muscular dystrophy. 
She has trouble speaking, but if you listen
carefully, she answers all the teacher's
questions correctly.  Very smart girl!
Carrie, age 12, played soccer for a while
with Gladys (left), age 20,
and Cassandra (right), age 17
Elena played Connect Four with Evelyn.
She told Elena where to play her piece
by giving the number of the slot she wanted.
Evelyn won the game!
Both of these girls are named Andrea.
My Andrea is age 9, and the Andrea who
fell asleep on her lap during storytime
is age
I brought Veronica over (on left)
after her nap.  We live within walking
distance of ASELSI.  This is the teacher,
Jessica.  She is such a blessing!
I helped translate a children's book into
K'iche', and I read it to the moms during
snack time.  The moms were surprised
an American was speaking K'iche'!