March 15, 2011

Actively involved in our Puerto Rican church

Elena and Andrea dancing at VBS
Andrea, Carrie, and Elena with a friend named Amaris at VBS
Carrie in the youth Sunday School class
Heather in a Ladies' Ministry leaders meeting
Carrie helping lead worship with the youth in a Friday night service
Elena, Carrie, and Andrea presenting a dance they choreographed
Carrie in a relay race at the Youth Christmas party
Carrie in a dance with three other Youth girls
Carrie, Elena, and Andrea in the Kid's Christmas party
Three Youth boys dressed up as the "Three Kings" to deliver gifts to children in the hospital in celebration of January 6, The Day of the Kings.
A group from our church sang, prayed, and delivered gifts to children in the hospital.  In Puerto Rico, the celebration of January 6, The Day of the Kings, is just as big as Christmas, including a gift exchange.
Carrie, Heather, and Elena presenting a dance
Heather hosted three Ladies' Fellowship Dinners at our house, which was a new idea for the ladies of our church.  They all enjoyed it and have continued the tradition at three other ladies' houses so far!
Here we are at church before the arrival of Veronica
Our church congregation at Iglesia Cristiana Carismática de Caguas
Some of the Youth presenting a pantomime dance
Celebrating Carrie's 11th birthday with our pastor's family at our house.  Heather painted the mural in our dining room.
Carrie, Andrea, and Elena delivering "English lessons" to our pastor, Denis.  Each week as part of our homeschool they wrote a sentence in English then translated it into Spanish to give to our pastor.
Michael kneeling by Veronica.  She has a "laso," or headband, which almost all Puerto Rican baby girls wear.
Michael lying down to listen to the Sunday School class
Heather has coffee in McDonald's with Zaida, a friend from church, once a week.
Some of our church members playing dominoes, a favorite game in Puerto Rico
Some ladies in our church singing a lively Puerto Rican Christmas song
The Youth singing Puerto Rican Christmas songs
Ramón playing a drum at Christmas