February 4, 2023

Funeral music

It seems that we hear a funeral happening in our neighborhood every couple of months.  There are two beautiful songs that I have noticed are played at most of them:  Yo te extranaré (I Will Miss You) by Tercer Cielo, and Más allá del sol (Farther Than the Sun), a traditional Spanish hymn.  So now, when we hear these songs from our home over a loudspeaker in the distance, we pray for comfort for whatever family members are grieving.

Link to Yo te extranaré (I Will Miss You)

English paraphrase:  First the man sings, "I miss you so much, especially the little details. I understand that God has called you to be by His side, but I didn't know it would hurt so much."  Then the woman sings the chorus, "Don't cry for me, I am in a beautiful place filled with light, and when your turn comes, I look forward to seeing you here."

Link to Más allá del sol (Farther Than the Sun)

English paraphrase:  Even though I don't have riches in this life, I have a mansion in glory.  When I was lost, Jesus had compassion.  Farther than the sun, I have a beautiful home.  Jesus offers us salvation and a house not made by hands, there in His mansion.  Farther than the sun, I have a beautiful home.