June 26, 2020

Needy newborn

I (Heather/Erica) got a message this week from Odilia, a lady in our church, asking if I knew if ASELSI's milk program is taking new clients.  She wrote that a lady from her neighborhood, Roxanna, had come by asking for help because she had no milk to nurse her 3-week-old newborn baby.  Roxanna's husband had recently left her to live with another woman, and Roxanna had given birth at home alone and scared.  Her husband had come by to threaten her that he would take her two children away (the newborn and a 4-year-old girl) if she didn't take care of them, and the stress of the conflict caused her milk to dry up.  Her husband has not given her any money, and she has no way to earn an income during this pandemic in order to buy formula.  She was only giving water to her baby, and Odilia said the baby was tiny and thin.

I wrote to ASELSI's director on her behalf, and he informed me that they are only able to support their currently registered clients since they have been shut down by the government during the pandemic.

We wanted to help Roxanna buy formula, but we didn't want to give her cash.  So I arranged with Odilia to come by our house and pick up a cash donation.   Then she went the store and bought formula and a supplement to help boost milk production.  She delivered the formula and supplement to Roxanna, who was very happy for the help!

Then, several days later, Roxanna brought her baby back to see Odilia.  What a nice surprise to see a healthy, round baby!  We ask for your prayers for this little life!
Thanks to Odilia for the photos!