November 11, 2018

Closed road

Our community closed the road that leads into our "neighborhood"!  There is a hill that is partially concreted, but the remaining dirt part gets very rutted in rainy season.  Every year the county government gives each community a small amount of money to make improvements, and this year our community, Chulumal II, decided to add another section of concrete to our hill. 
This is the view looking down the hill, showing
part of the hill that is already concreted and
where they have started working.
It doesn't show well in the photo, but the hill
is pretty steep.
They take turns choosing men to work from
a list of members of our community.  When it is
Michael's turn, due to his back pain, he hires
someone for about $13 to work in his place
for the day.
So for about two months, our road is closed and our car is trapped!  That means Veronica and I (Heather) have to walk about half a mile to where a tuk-tuk can pick us up to take us into town for shopping.  Then another tuk-tuk drops us off again, and we walk back carrying heavy groceries in bags on our shoulders and in backpacks.  We go shopping two days a week, one day just for fresh fruits and vegetables, which alone are very heavy and which we eat a lot of, and another day for other types of groceries.
This is the tuk-tuk I usually call to take me into
town.  The driver's name is Pascual and he lives
in our community.  (You may notice the
American flag he has in his tuk-tuk, which
isn't actually a common sight.)
Here we are in the tuk-tuk with a couple of
friends from our dance team,  Abi and Izel!
Also, we have decided that I shouldn't stay out after dark, because we have several drunk men that walk down our street and we don't want to encounter them in the dark.  That means I haven't been able to attend church while the road is closed, because the service ends about 7:30 p.m., which is after dark.

Hopefully they will open the road sometime in December after the concrete cures.  But there still remains more dirt road that they didn't have enough money to concrete this year, so we will have to live through yet another road closing another year!