January 25, 2018

We've moved!

We were finally close enough to being able to move to our land that I decided I would like to move before Christmas!  So we made a list of the necessary things that had to be done by the construction workers before we could move (like drainage issues and room dividers), and an even longer list of things we could finish soon after moving in (like pathways and laundry lines).  The men got to work on the details and I (Heather/Erica) got to work packing.

And four days before Christmas, we moved!  Praise the Lord!
Celebrating Christmas in our new building.
We missed Carolyn being with us!

Now we have new sights and sounds and neighbors and community members to learn to adjust to.  For example, we discovered that the day begins here by 6:30 a.m. with random neighbors and nearby churches playing music at high volume, local corn mills grinding on and off (which sounds like a jackhammer), our puppy crying to get up and join the fun, and occasionally a grackle (a big, black bird) cawing right outside our window!

We want to say thank you to our friends and supporters who have helped us reach this milestone.  We appreciate your support and many prayers on our behalf, since we feel God's blessing on this project.  We know that He will help us through all the difficulties we face as we put our trust in Him.