September 29, 2016

Busy summer

When you only travel to the United States every three years, there are a lot of things to do!
It amazed us how many things we accomplished in three months:  visiting 11 different churches on Sundays, getting new passports, requesting police records for applying for residency in Guatemala, attending a nephew's wedding,  swimming at the pool, having coffee with friends, ordering clothes and books and car supplies on the Internet, going to dental cleanings and getting cavities filled, having physical checkups and eye exams, filling new glasses prescriptions, visiting friends, attending a free outdoor movie night at a church, watching fireworks in Oak Ridge, giving several presentations about our ministry to churches and individuals, watching TV in English, visiting aunts and uncles, visiting friends in Austin, Texas, visiting colleges, taking the SAT exam, reading books from the library, playing at parks, doing biology dissection experiments, printing new prayer cards, making a photo memory book of Chichicastenango for Carolyn, and decorating Carolyn's new room at her grandparents' house...
Our parents treated us to riding trail horses in the Smoky Mountains, visiting the Knoxville zoo, playing marble and card games, having a picnic, watching a meteor shower at midnight, roller skating, working puzzles, going to Grandpa's land, eating at restaurants, taking family photos, camping at a Tennessee state park, watching a play in a theater, and watching videos from Netflix...
And Michael's brother treated us to soaking in his hot tub, going to a movie theater, swimming in a pool with water slides, ordering pizza, enjoying delicious smoothies, and sightseeing in Washington D.C.
We're really thankful to our friends and loved ones for making our trip so special!