August 31, 2014

Fire = electricity upgrade

Recently our electricity went off, and we found out the outage was caused by a fire in the apartment behind ours.  Their maid had wanted to wash the windows, but due to faulty wiring, there was a wire sticking out in her way.  She pulled on the wire, which short-circuited the system all the way to the electrical cables in the street.

Thankfully the maid wasn't hurt, but a small fire started and the cables down the street started sparking and melted in two!  Our landlord's wife ran with buckets of water to put the fire out (not a good idea with an electrical fire), but thankfully she wasn't hurt either.  We called the electric company and they sent out workers to remove the burned cables from the street that day, and then they replaced the cables with larger ones the next day.  We were impressed with their fast work.
The worker right outside our house.
The worker down the street.
Now, as an unexpected benefit, our electricity works with more power than ever!  We always had trouble with our microwave not working very well because the power was weak.  However, ever since they replaced the cables in the street, it's like we have a new microwave!