November 24, 2013

"Truck stop"

We had an unexpected half-hour stop on our way to Mexico.  There was a truck (without its trailer) stuck in the middle of the road.  A dozen men tried to push it, but it must have been in gear because it wouldn't budge.  A few small cars squeezed past, but we weren't willing to risk falling in the huge ditch.  Michael even got out to evaluate the space (tall white guy on the right).  It was a jovial atmosphere, which we usually encounter here when there is a big problem at hand.
 We girls were pretty jovial, too, while waiting in the car.
Eventually, one of the other drivers had the idea to hook up a chain to another huge truck and yank, yes, YANK the truck over a couple of feet.
The guys waved us on through, and we went on our way!  Always something interesting around here!