March 31, 2013

Request for Choreography

One Saturday at church, after practicing our upcoming Easter dance, one of the mothers came and asked me to teach a group of adults a dance!  She is one of the leaders of a cell group for married couples at our church.  The leaders wanted to present a dance at an upcoming event "to win souls" but didn't know how to organize it.  So I agreed, chose a song, and choreographed it quickly, in time for our first practice a couple of days later.
This was the first time I had taught a dance to adults.  I didn't even have to say, "Pay attention," "Don't poke anyone," or "Stop talking, please!"  By the way, the lady on the right in the photo had a baby tied on her back, who stayed quiet the whole time.  I give thanks to the Lord for opening new doors for me to dance for Him.