April 22, 2012

Bugs, inside and out

If you move to the mission field in a land different than your own, you may find new bugs or more of the old ones!  In the past year, we have experienced several varieties of bugs causing us problems, both inside and out.  We keep looking to the Lord for help in each new situation.  God is always good!

Amoebas causing diarrhea were treated with a strong anti-parasitic medicine.  We think we got these from eating in a local restaurant.
Food poisoning (probably from bacteria or non-pathogenic entamoeba coli, but who knows?) causing diarrhea and vomiting was treated by drinking plenty of fluids.  We think this came from drinking slightly soured powdered milk that I had made with filtered water too far ahead of time.  Our water filter can't completely eliminate all the bacteria, which usually doesn't cause us problems.  However, there is no chlorine in the water, so the bacteria has a chance to multiply over time.
Entameoba coli
Yeast infections causing itchy bottoms were treated with anti-fungal medicine.  All these sorts of things are in the environment here.
Worm eggs (not grown yet, fortunately) were found in Veronica's stool and were treated with an anti-worm medicine.  We were told that kids under age 5 should be treated for worms every six months.
Fleas from our neighbor's dog took up residence in our house and were treated by sprinkling salt on the rugs and under the couch cushions, as well as flea-powdering the dog.
Bed bugs bit us at night and were treated by sprinkling flea powder (for dogs) around the edge of the mattresses and along the edge of the floor along the wall where they hide.  We have to vacuum and re-apply the powder about once a month, whenever we start itching under our socks again.
Tiny bed bug
Unknown flying insects (not mosquitos, since we don't seem to have those here) make big welts that itch for days.
Biting insect
Wasps made a nest outside our kitchen window that we killed by shooting with soapy water in a super-soaker water gun (borrowed from another missionary family with boys).  There are bees and tiny wasps that fly around our porch during the dry months.
Wasp nest

We used to jokingly say, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."  This rhyming phrase isn't just a joke any more!   We are pressing on by God's grace and for His glory!