August 8, 2011

A Typical Day

   Here is a description of today's happenings, a typical day in the Montgomery household:

   Veronica's diaper leaked last night, so Heather changed the baby's clothes and sheets.
   The maid came for an hour to wash the dishes from yesterday and sweep the floor.
   Our washing machine broke last week, so this morning Heather drove the car to take a load of wash to another missionary's house, then made a second trip an hour later to pick it up.
   The girls hung up the wet laundry.
   Borrowed rollerblades from the missionaries who let us use their washer.  The girls took turns rolling around the small living area and balcony upstairs.
Mom's Rule #1: Don't fall down.
Mom's Rule #2: Don't run over Veronica.
Dad's Rule: Don't run into the appliances.
     Also borrowed a box of storybooks for the girls to read.

   Michael made 2 calls to Puerto Rico Telephone since they owe us money, got put on hold, then got hung up on.
   Heather walked to the local store to buy more minutes for the cell phone.  There was a deal offered for free minutes but somehow we didn't get them.  Heather also bought some fruits and veggies while she was at the store (a window in a lady's house in the neighborhood) which she then had to disinfect for half-an-hour in water with bleach.
   Michael noticed a gouge in the sidewall of one of our tires, then checked the pressure and found it was low.  He called a mechanic to come to our house and take the car to get the tire fixed.  The problem wasn't the sidewall, but there was a screw in the tread.  Got it fixed.
   Asked the mechanic if he knew where we could buy more crates locally, to use as shelving.  He said the only place is close to the capital, but his father-in-law exports fruit in the same type of crates, has a big truck, and could buy us some on his way back from the capital on Friday.  The mechanic is going to call us back with a price after talking to his father-in-law.
   Checked out facebook and requested to be friends with a couple more people.
   Worked on relationship skills between sisters.
   Smelled something burning and found that our neighbors were outside burning a huge pile of brush on an unusually windy day, with the wind blowing the smoke in our direction.  Kept the windows shut.
The fire is hard to see, but it is in the field.

   The carpenter called and said our baby gates are ready.  Scheduled delivery for Tuesday afternoon (tomorrow).
   Called to find out if our car insurance had been approved yet (we applied last Monday).  It hadn't been approved yet, so we'll call back tomorrow.
   The computer store called to tell us they found the printer (in the capital) that we wanted to order, and could deliver it to us in a couple of days, but we have to go into their store in Chichi and pay a deposit first.  Heather will go into town tomorrow to do that.
   Re-hemmed dresses (longer) for the three big girls that they had outgrown, and mended a couple other items of clothing.
   Our neighbor Colleen, who is group coordinator for ASELSI, came over to schedule a time for a visiting group to come over and pray for Michael.  They have a Healing Rooms ministry.  Scheduled a prayer time for tomorrow evening.
   Put a bandaid on Carrie's bleeding foot where she scraped it on the edge of the sidewalk.
   The girls each babysat half-an-hour (daily chore) while Heather took a shower in the afternoon when the day was at its warmest.  Veronica enjoys riding her "horsey" with a little help.

   Used the fly swatter on about 10 or more flies in the kitchen.
   Called our other carpenter to ask about some shelves he is building for us.  They should be done by Friday if there is nice weather for the varnish to dry.
   Reminded the girls to wait patiently for their turn on the rollerblades without whining, or the rollerblades would be returned promptly.
   Received a very helpful email from another missionary with detailed instructions for our trip to the Mexican border next Monday.  Our visas need to be renewed for another 90 days, and we decided to try going to Mexico rather than take two trips to the capital for visa renewals at the immigration office.
   Served leftover beans and rice for dinner, plus a "macaroni and cheese" mix Heather found in Chichi, a yummy watermelon, and brownies we made yesterday with cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and walnuts we can only find in the capital.
   Replaced the bandaid on Carrie's foot since it was leaking.  This time, put pressure on the cut first.
   The girls practiced Spanish while playing hide-and-seek and freeze tag with our neighbor, a boy named José.
   Changed Veronica's diaper several times throughout the day and put a short-sleeved shirt on her when the temperature got warm in the afternoon.  Held her more than usual since she was still tired from yesterday when she missed her regular nap due to church.
   Comforted Andrea when she fell down in a game of freeze tag.
   Had family devotions in the evening, with singing, Bible reading, and prayer.  Got interrupted by a phone call to reschedule the prayer-time for Michael for tomorrow morning instead of tomorrow evening.
   Put a bandaid on Elena's ankle where she had rubbed a blister in the rollerblades.

   And somehow in the midst of that we homeschooled.  Yep.  English, Math, Spelling, Reading, Science, Exercise, Bible, Social Studies.  Gotta love it.