July 24, 2011

Veronica at 15 months

Veronica is 15 months old!
Enjoying some music from one of Andrea's
Internet games.

These hard plastic balls are really cheap here. 
We buy things in quadruplicate now!

Look Mom, I'm helping you sweep!

Veronica's first meal feeding herself with a
spoon:  black bean mush, a Guatemalan favorite.

Veronica has her own little chair, so she can
hang out on the balcony with her sisters.

She is getting neater at spoon-feeding herself
oatmeal in the mornings...  Ok, I admit, this was
the beginning of the meal!
Veronica is such a joy to have.  She is compliant and sweet!  She started walking about a month ago and loves to toddle around.  There are several words she knows, like "blah blah" for her blankie, "die-da" for diaper, and her favorite, "nana" for banana!  She is developing a sense of humor, and we all enjoy her laugh.  Carrie, Elena, and Andrea each babysit Veronica for at least half an hour each day, so she is getting to know her wonderful big sisters and I am getting a chance to update our blog!