June 17, 2011

Around the house

We have had several interesting experiences around the house.  

Twice we found dead rats, which had eaten some
poison we had left out. 
The girls and José found
the second rat...

and Elena helped José put him in this bag (using pliers).

Heather is learning how to make tortillas.

A carpenter built bunk beds for us.
There are bars around one bottom bunk
for a crib for Veronica.  She likes it!

Hurray, we bought a washing machine!  The sun
helps dry our clothes in the afternoon.  We have
ordered a dryer for those rainy days that are coming.

Here is our 1997 Land Cruiser, under a carport
that our landlord installed for us so we can
come and go from upstairs to downstairs
without getting too wet.  The rain still does blow
in some!

The carpenter also installed a baby gate
at the top of the stairs.  Veronica will
be walking soon!