June 25, 2011

Sending Victoriano's grandchildren to school

In April, when Zaida and Heather visited Chichicastenango, they met a K'iche' teacher named Victoriano.   They discovered that he lives too far away from Chichicastenango for Michael to hire him as a teacher on a regular basis.  However, Heather and Zaida were touched by his desire to gain employment in order to pay for his grandchildren, Pascuala and Claudio, to finish their last two years of high school.  Zaida brought his story to our church in Puerto Rico, where people responded generously to Victoriano's need.

Pascuala, Heather (Erica), Victoriano,
and Claudio in April

When our family arrived in Chichicastenango a few weeks ago, Heather again contacted Victoriano to deliver the donation from Puerto Rico.  He traveled three hours to come visit us, and Michael and the girls were glad to be able to meet him.

Visiting with Victoriano

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute to send Pascuala and Claudio to school for the remainder of their current school year (through October), and thanks to everyone who would be willing to donate to their tuition for next year also.  If you would like to donate, please send a check made payable to Michael Montgomery, along with a note saying the donation is for Victoriano, to our permanent address at PO Box 5854, Oak Ridge, TN, 37831.

June 17, 2011

Around the house

We have had several interesting experiences around the house.  

Twice we found dead rats, which had eaten some
poison we had left out. 
The girls and José found
the second rat...

and Elena helped José put him in this bag (using pliers).

Heather is learning how to make tortillas.

A carpenter built bunk beds for us.
There are bars around one bottom bunk
for a crib for Veronica.  She likes it!

Hurray, we bought a washing machine!  The sun
helps dry our clothes in the afternoon.  We have
ordered a dryer for those rainy days that are coming.

Here is our 1997 Land Cruiser, under a carport
that our landlord installed for us so we can
come and go from upstairs to downstairs
without getting too wet.  The rain still does blow
in some!

The carpenter also installed a baby gate
at the top of the stairs.  Veronica will
be walking soon!

June 13, 2011

Getting started in Guatemala

On May, 17, 2011 we arrived in Guatemala City, and the next day we hired a van to take us to Chichicastenango.  On the way we bought crates to serve as temporary shelving in our unfurnished apartment.

Unloading the van and crates

We made it with all 21 bags!

After we took the following photo, another missionary loaned us a folding card table and some chairs... how grateful we were!
Eating dinner on the floor.

Our beds were mattresses (that Heather had bought on her previous trip) on the floor.  Veronica's crib was made of piled-up suitcases.
Veronica liked her new "crib."

Andrea, Elena, and Veronica shared one room...

Michael, Heather, and Carrie shared the other room.

After a week, we finally got internet access in our apartment, and we enjoyed Skyping with both Heather's and Michael's parents.
Fun to see Grandma and Grandpa,
and Mopsie and Popsie!

There is a 9-year-old boy that lives next-door to us, within our wall, named José.  The girls like to play hide-and-seek and freeze tag with him, all in Spanish.
Making newspaper creations at Jose's table.
 We hired a maid to help us clean, named Micaela.  She speaks Spanish and K'iche', and will be a great language helper... when we get started learning K'iche', and she has already been teaching Heather some phrases.  She also went to the market with Heather one day to show her how to shop for fruits and veges.
Micaela, our maid

June 10, 2011

A Hilarious Goodbye (Una despedida super divertida)

The Sunday before we moved to Guatemala, our church service included a hilarious version of "The Montgomery's in Puerto Rico," a skit reenacting the highlights of our time there.  We laughed and laughed.  THANK YOU!

Lirio and Syra arriving at the church to
check it out before the arrival of the storm "Erica."

Erica (Heather) arriving at the church to ask
about the schedule. 

Miguel (Michael) and Erica and their children in church.

Miguel and Erica worshiping the Lord.

Erica, Carolina, Elena, and Andrea dancing.

Erica selling calendars to raise money
for the pastor's retreat.

Erica selling cookies.

The Montgomery's

Michael teaching about Guatemala after the skit.

Zaida raising funds to send Don Victoriano's
grandchildren to school.

Mil gracias al pastor Denis y Lirio, y toda nuestra familia en Puerto Rico.
¡Los extrañamos mucho!

Feliz Día de Las Madres a Syra

¡Felicidades a Syra!  Todo el mundo te quiere y te agradece tu amor y gran corazón.

Syra con los jóvenes.

Syra con las flores de todos sus "hijos."
¡Gracias, Syra!

Finishing up our time in Puerto Rico

We lived in Cidra, Puerto Rico, for less than two years, but our time there made a lasting impact on us.  Gracias a toda nuestra familia de la Iglesia Cristiana Carismática de Caguas.  Los amamos y los extrañamos.

Before we left, our church helped us to get rid of our furniture and stuff by buying it in a "yard sale".  ¡Gracias a todos por comprar nuestras cosas!

Here are some scenes from our last month in Puerto Rico.

Heather finally finished the mural
in our bedroom.

Carrie and Elena presented a dance.

Elena and Andrea helped lead the singing
for the Kid's Night service.

Heather and Zaida spoke about their
trip to Guatemala.

Goodbye, beautiful house!

After the yard sale... time to pack up.