January 6, 2024

End of year party

Our church had yet another Christmas party, this time to say goodbye to 2023 and also, sadly, to say goodbye to our pastor of six years, Gregorio.  He also pastors a church in his hometown of Zacualpa, where he lives 2 hours from Chichi, so he will be pastoring there full time now.  We are sad to see him go, but we are looking forward to whomever the Lord will bring to our church in the future!  Please join us in praying for a local K'iche'-speaking pastor from Chichicastenango, so that he can help us in our endeavor to translate the Bible and promote the new translation in the community.

A red basket of food was given
to each family in attendance:
chips, cookies, soda, marshmallows,
Corn Flakes, oatmeal, cooking oil,
mashed Ducal beans, Incaparina (a hot
corn drink), and chow mein noodles.

I (Heather/Erica) was excited to get "back in action" and lead the church's children in a skit, doing hand motions to the story of Christmas.  It was called "The Christmas Story in 30 Words," starting with a longer narrated description.  Then for fun we got faster and faster.  The video shows the last round, but the kids wanted to go even faster!

The Christmas Story in 30 Words