March 9, 2023

House siding

Construction on our house is progressing!  We have a new worker now, since the two brothers that worked for us for several years moved on to other jobs.  The younger brother, Sebastián, age 19, said he was going to Canada to work on a pig farm, but we think we saw him recently in town.  His brother Manuel, age 22, worked for a couple of weeks longer, but then just left one day and never returned, blocking our calls and messages.  Heather, by calling from an unknown phone number, did finally talk to his mom on the phone because we were concerned about him.  His mom didn't offer any explanation, so we were left in the lurch for a while, in the middle of the process of putting up the house siding in a race against the rapidly approaching rainy season.

Fortunately, a previous worker who lives nearby was available to work.  Moisés is working for us again after having worked for us several years ago.  His son, Brandon, age 12, also helps out in the afternoons after school.  We still don't have the siding finished, but at least we are getting close.

Moisés and Brandon installing siding
Even Heather was conscripted to help at one point, sitting on a board that was wedged to push a steel siding sheet around the corner before being screwed in.

Heather helping bend siding
around the corner