September 28, 2020


During rainy season we get some big thunderstorms, occasionally accompanied by a few minutes of hail.  This hail was the size of marbles and punched a marble-sized hole in a section of clear polycarbonate roofing which we later had to patch up.

The photos make it hard to see, but it was certainly LOUD on our metal roofing!  The corn fields growing all around us had their leaves shredded a bit, but fortunately not too much damage was done by the hail.

September 12, 2020

The cross

This is the intersection where we turn to the right off the main highway to our community.  The name of the intersection is known by everybody here as "La Cruz," which means "The Cross."  We're not exactly sure why (although the telephone pole in the middle of the photo is appropriate.)  When I took this photo a "chicken bus" had just passed by, leaving this unfortunate bicycle rider in a black cloud of fumes!