March 22, 2020

Friends and family

Even though the coronavirus has all of us here in Chichicastenango separated in our homes, I wanted to share a few photos of our wonderful friends and family here in Guatemala.  We haven't been able to get together for a while, but we are keeping in contact by Facebook, Messenger, and cell phone, just like the rest of the world.
Veronica swimming in our carport with
her friends Andrea and Zury.  Those three
sure know how to "make a joyful noise!"
Our church leaders in our living room
for a small group worship time.
Some of the girls playing with crutches
before the church service.
Special prayer for the children of our
church in January, at the beginning
of Guatemala's school year.
Art class with Eliana, on the right,
who came as a missionary to
Guatemala for a couple of months to
evangelize children through art.  While
 here, she offered 8 free art classes
 to the missionary kids in Chichi!
Making cookies with "Grandma Carol,"
a missionary from New Jersey who we
 will miss greatly when she returns to the
U.S. soon for health reasons.
We love you, Carol!

March 8, 2020

Crates and slime

The Sunday school director at our church is a sweet lady named Clelia.  She had an idea to buy crates to use for decorative storage in the classroom, and she wanted to paint them bright colors.  Since we have an air compressor for painting, I volunteered to have our workers paint the crates.  What I didn't realize was that they were going to soak up the paint like a sponge, even the primer!  So the paint she bought was used up very quickly, and I ended up going back to the store twice to buy more paint!  But 6 or 7 coats later, the end result was beautiful.

Soon after that it was my turn to teach Sunday school.  Here in the public school system there seems to be a lack of good teaching about science, and the kids didn't know much about the existence of germs.  So I taught them about germs, tying it into Sunday school by the fact that God made very small things.  We made slime as a craft because when talking about germs it seemed appropriate!  The kids had a great time!
Naya and Dasha
Adrian (blue jacket), Byron, Maily, Any,
Heber, Abdi, and William (brown jacket)
The crates can be seen in the background!