October 28, 2019

Ladies' conference

I (Heather) went with 9 other ladies from our church to a ladies' conference in Zacualpa, a small town 1 1/2 hours away.  Our pastor, Gregorio, also pastors a church there, and we were invited to join them!  There were over 150 ladies in attendance from many different churches around Guatemala.  It was a good day of worship and learning about how Jesus can heal our hearts.
We rented a mini-bus to transport us
there in the morning and back in the
late afternoon.
The church was beautifully decorated.
The ladies up front were being thanked
for helping serve at the conference.
These wonderful ladies from our church are
so funny!  We laughed so much during the
drawing for door prizes that even the
conference hostess commented at one
point, "Oh, that group from Chichi!"

October 12, 2019

Huge puddles

Now that rainy season is in full swing, one section of the dirt road that we travel on to get to town is full of huge puddles.  Last year they tried to "fix" the problem by filling the low areas with gravel and dirt, but that just moved the problem down the road farther.
     In the photos you can see a large truck, a small tuk-tuk, and a medium pickup truck, but traversing the puddles is actually hardest for the many people that walk or ride on motorcycles.
     Each year the communities that are located on this heavily used road ask the government of Guatemala to pave it, but no progress has been made yet.