September 3, 2018


Here are some photos to catch you up on the construction we have been doing!
In the ministry building, we installed
a temporary interior wall to separate
Michael's office from the other bedrooms
and living room area.  The other rooms are
divided by fabric hanging down as curtains.

The buried barrels to the left are mini-settling tanks for
he shower water and kitchen sink water.  The water is
then filtered by passing through sand in these concrete bins
(not shown) before entering a deep hole in the ground.

These guys are pouring a thin sidewalk for us
to go between buildings without getting muddy.
This is the 290-gal. water tank we used while
our cistern was being cleaned and refinished.
The water runs into this tank from the community;
then our water pump takes the water to our
wash house.
Our washing machine puts out water too fast
to dump directly onto our driveway, so first the
water drains into this trash barrel, then exits
by gravity out the small tube at the bottom,

and then flows down a ditch to the driveway.
We installed this little roof over the walkway
between the wash house and the kitchen.
It keeps us pretty dry unless the wind is
blowing... then we run!
Inside the wash house:  our kitchen sink,
washer and dryer, bathroom (behind Elena),
and shower (end of hallway).