November 11, 2017

Water problems

Everywhere we turn we seem to have problems caused by water, non-absorbent ground, and a high water table.

This is our "dry" septic well, where we intended to dump our gray water.  It turns out the water table is very high, causing the bottom of the pit to collapse and fill with water.  As a result, we will have to filter our gray water before dumping it here.  All our neighbors, however, just dump their gray and black water right into the water table in the holes they have dug.

Water was pooling behind our retaining
wall, so they installed a gutter on the edge
of the shed roof.  That helped, but water
still runs down from higher up the hill.
Water runoff was causing the dirt wall behind
our house site, where we will one day install
a retaining wall, to begin collapsing.  Our
workers piled large rocks along the wall
to stop the damage.
Water from heavy rains is pooling
along the classroom building again,
working its way behind the mud barrier
they installed previously.
Water also runs down our driveway, pooling
into mud at the bottom.  Here, they have
re-covered the right half with gravel,
but you can see the left is still muddy,
awaiting its coat of gravel.