April 30, 2016

Swing set

During the building process, so that Veronica has something to do while Michael and I are reviewing the construction, we had our builder construct a swing set for her.

April 23, 2016


The ministry building has sidewalks going around it.
Behind me, Yano is pouring the first section
of the sidewalk.
Yano really "gets into" his work.
The finished sidewalk is well done.

April 15, 2016

Ministry building

The ministry building has a foundation, a (partial) frame, and a floor!

Pouring the concrete columns in the
foundation to hold the posts.
Smoothing the final coat on the floor.
Painting the welds so they won't rust. 
The floor was covered in water for
a week to help it cure without
cracking in the hot sun.

April 13, 2016

Classroom / storage area

Hurray!  The first building, which will be two-thirds classroom and one-third storage area, has a floor and a roof with gutters!  The walls are coming later, after more horizontal supports are installed.  Also, the pile of dirt in the background will be removed next week.