October 24, 2015

Life house

Our local church in Chichicastenango has a weekly evangelism outreach called "Casa de Vida" or "Life house."  The church members are all divided into three Life houses, one of which meets on Friday night, and two on Saturday night.  We go to the Friday night meeting in the house of a family that lives in town.  The purpose of the meeting is to share the gospel with our friends and family who don't know Jesus yet, but might not want to go to a regular church meeting.  One week they asked me (Heather) to share a message, so I talked about 1 Peter and how God calls us to be holy.  I am impressed with our church's desire to reach out to people with the love of Jesus.

October 18, 2015

Crossing the street

While walking around town to do my weekly shopping, I (Heather) have to cross several streets.  This involves a complicated checking process before stepping out:  first check for 18-wheelers or other large trucks, next check for "chicken buses" (old U.S. school buses), then microbuses, pickup trucks, other cars, and tuk-tuks.  When you find a break in the constant stream of larger vehicles, don't step out yet... remember to check for motorcycles, bicycles, people pushing carts, people walking, and dogs.  Then re-check for vehicles, and finally RUN!  It's much more exciting than a Walmart aisle.