July 18, 2015

Rubber ducky rescue

Veronica accidentally dropped a small rubber ducky down our shower drain, which was installed with no drain cover.  In the process of trying to extract it, it moved further down the pipe, so we called in our builder to help.  He ended up cutting the pipe where it came out the side of our house, and then he used our kitchen tongs to pull the ducky out!  He reinstalled the pipe with a covered "T," so we can more easily get to any escaping duckies in the future.
Diego worked by Michael's flashlight.

Our happy, little rescued ducky!

July 11, 2015

Looking at ravine

We spoke to our neighbors about the possibility of running our gray water out to the huge ravine behind our house.  We didn't realize, however, until we went to look at it, that the edge of the ravine is falling away little by little.  We don't want to be held responsible for any landslides, so we are going to try to deal with our gray water on our own property for now, using a type of gray-water gardening effort.
Michael talking to our neighbor, Felipe.
The orange flag is on the edge of the ravine.
Heather and Veronica looking over the ravine.

July 4, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all fathers!

At least those of you in the United States didn't have to endure the Father's Day celebration here.  They celebrated Father's Day on Wednesday, June 17.  We had a truck drive around our neighborhood at 4:00 a.m. with a loudspeaker through which they were wishing all the fathers "Happy Father's Day" and playing loud music while periodically setting off loud rounds of firecrackers.  And everyone here considers that a perfectly normal way to celebrate Father's Day!  We hope your day was more peaceful than that!