May 30, 2015

Ready for rainy season

Rainy season is coming soon, so I improved our dog Dorado's bed to help keep it dry.

May 23, 2015

Neighbor kids

When we go out to our property, the neighbors' kids always come out and invite Veronica to play with them.  She enjoys the attention!

May 16, 2015

Youth group

Carrie, Elena, and Andrea really enjoy attending our church's youth group on Saturdays.

May 10, 2015


We are very thankful for our driveway.  Without this driveway, our property was one of thousands of pieces of property here that are "adentro" or "inside," meaning they are only accessible on foot.  We bought the driveway in three pieces.  First, we bought a two-meter-wide strip from one neighbor, then a bordering one-and-a-half-meter strip from the other neighbor, to connect into the lower corner of our property.  

In the photo below, you can see the community path that was on the section of land that we bought for a driveway.  Since we bought the land this path is on, we have to allow people to walk up our driveway.  We also had to leave enough room on our property outside our fence to allow for the path to continue past it.
This photo is taken from our land, looking
downhill toward the street, where our car
(white) is just entering.

Because of continuing discussions with one of our neighbors (whose house you can see in the photos) debating the exact location of the edge of our driveway, we added a row of blocks along his side, to define the border well and eliminate border disputes in the future.  We were glad that he finally seemed happy with the results.
Looking up the driveway from the road.
 The driveway was finished with gravel.
We had plenty of width, but we were were having trouble turning into the driveway, since it is a bit more than a right angle and the main road is very narrow.  So we bought an extra triangle at the entrance from our neighbor and moved the boundary blocks over.  Now we can come and go easily!

May 3, 2015

Raising electric line

Early on in the construction process, our neighbor asked us to pay to raise his electric line so trucks wouldn't bump into it on their way into our driveway, since it drapes over our entrance.  The cable had previously run to the top ridge of the roof in the photo below, which now shows the newly raised line.