April 25, 2015

Chicken joke

Heather's joke:
Why did I watch a chicken cross the road?

I was in Chulumal II.

Ha ha.  :)
(Sorry... but this joke did make my family all burst into laughter!)

April 18, 2015

Turkeys, chickens, and hogs

Some of our new neighbors are turkeys, chickens, and hogs. 
A turkey viewing the ministry building site.
A chicken coming to "visit" Veronica.
Verifying the water pipe location.
Checking out the cistern.
And hogs (one inside the pen and two to 
the right of it) squealing to announce their
presence just outside our lower boundary.

April 11, 2015

Veronica reading

Veronica has joined the ranks of homeschoolers by learning how to read this year with Michael.

April 5, 2015

Boundary markers

On the title to our land, the layout is described as going from this rock to that rock, then turning the corner to the next rock, and so forth.  The lawyer suggested we follow the more recent practice of inserting 3-inch diameter pipes about a meter long into the corner, filling them with concrete and a piece of rebar in the center.  We decided to leave some of the bigger, more long-standing rocks in place, since the neighbors are happy with their location.  But we replaced other rocks that have been more recently placed or were problematic.
Heather is trying to find a boundary stone
after a machine came by to level the dirt
  This boundary stone in our entryway
was always getting pushed aside by trucks,
so we replaced it first. 
Diego and Yano are putting in a new
concrete boundary tube on the last
piece of land we purchased.
(Check out what huge load is being
carried down the street!
Here is a closer view.