October 26, 2014

Clearing the land

They have started to work on our land!

First they used big hoes to clear the weeds.
Then they started scraping off the too-soft mounds of dirt left by the cornfield.
We asked around to see if any of our neighbors wanted dirt, and a few of them said yes, so the workers are taking the dirt by wheelbarrow and dumping it into three different neighbors' fields.  They said they will use it to make adobe bricks.

October 19, 2014

Praying over the land

Before we started work on our land, we first went to pray over it with our builder, our pastors, and a couple of ladies from our church.  (We didn't take a photo of that prayer meeting.)

The following week, we went out with our daughters and had a family prayer meeting at the same spot.  (Heather took the photo.)
Lord, we thank You for this land that You have given us.  Please use it to glorify Your name and to bring Your Word to the people here!

October 12, 2014

Carrie's English class

These are some students that come to Carrie's intermediate English class at our house.  Usually only a couple of them come, but this was a full day.
Yosseline, Ana, Amy, Carolina, Haydee, Estefany