April 27, 2014

Bovine crossing

On our last trip to Mexico, we came around a bend in the road and had to stop and wait a while as a few bulls meandered across the road.  This particular bull was in no hurry to move, so we ended up carefully driving around him.

April 20, 2014

Laying new corner stones

On the day we bought the driveway, we went out earlier to verify the existing corner stones (see the previous blog post) and to lay two new stones to mark off our driveway.
First they measured and dug
for the upper corner stone.
(The post is for an electric line.
Our land is to the right.)
And then for the bottom corner stone.
(The man on the right was the owner.)

April 13, 2014

Verifying corner stones

Our new land is marked off by stones in the corners.  There was a question about whether one of the stones had been moved by a neighbor, so before we paid for the land, we went with the owner Sebastián to check it out.  He and his brother Felipe ran a string between two corner stones to verify that the stone in the middle, marking our corner, was in the right place.  To our relief, it was fine!
Felipe, on the left, is pointing to the stone.

April 6, 2014

Land purchase

We bought land!  After waiting six months, the owner's stepdad finally agreed to sell us a strip of his land to give us access for our car to get to the quarter-acre piece of land we wanted to buy.  Otherwise the land was completely landlocked from the road, as is most of the land in this area. 
The property was previously a cornfield,
so it is full of ridges.
Michael made a lot of calculations.
Here he is by our neighbor's chicken coop.

This is a view from the land down to
the road, where our car is parked.