January 26, 2014

Senderos del Abuelo

The students in Guatemala have their "summer vacation" during the months of October, November, and December.  Our church had VBS three afternoons a week during November, but we didn't participate since we are homeschooling on the U.S. schedule.  However, to celebrate the end of VBS, the group went to a local park-picnic area called "Senderos del Abuelo" (Grandfather's Paths), and we went to check it out, too.
There was a long swinging bridge.
There were also a couple of little-kid rides.
This boy, Brandon, who is 12 years old,
loaned me money for Veronica to ride.
And there were some interesting playground
rides, like this swinging buffalo!
The prices had been reduced for the VBS group, so we only paid a total of about $1 each to enter the park.  Normally, they charge foreigners $5 each to enter, so they looked at me with suspicion when I wanted the lower fee.  But after I explained in my best Spanish that we were with the group from our church, they let us pay the lower price!  :)

January 19, 2014

New Year's presentation

Our dance team's New Year's presentation was a bit smaller, since only two girls came to the rehearsal along with our three girls.  But we valiantly went on with the show!
The congregation filled up the church.
I took the speaking part of the "teacher," and
during rehearsal, the girls quickly memorized
new speaking parts and dance formations.
Andrea, Carrie, Susi, Elena, and Glenda.
They did a great job!

January 12, 2014

Christmas cookies

We girls had a great time baking Christmas cookies with a fellow missionary, Carol Angelo.   Thanks, Carol!
Chocolate chip, gingersnap bars, and chocolate crinkles!   Yummy!

January 5, 2014

Church dance presentation

The day finally came for us to present our dance at our church's Christmas celebration, called "Exaltación a Jesús"  (Exaltation of Jesus)!

We waited in the foyer until after a guest worship-leader had led the more than 400 people in attendance in worship.
Juan and Kevin
Carrie, Elena, and Andrea
with Elsi and Onely
 Finally it was our turn:
In the dialog, Carrie was the "teacher"
of a class of "students," including Andrea
and Elena, who also had speaking parts.
The kings' dance.
The angels' dance.
The shepherds' dance.
We were invited to dance again on New Year's Day!