July 25, 2013


While we are in the States, we have been grateful for some opportunities to tell supporters and potential supporters about our ministry in Chichicastenango.  So far, we have given a presentation in three different living rooms, two church services, and to three pastors.  In the next few weeks, we have one more living room, two more churches, an elders' meeting, and another pastor to visit!

July 14, 2013

Fun opportunities

Since we have been back in the States for several weeks now, the girls have had fun doing some things we haven't been able to do where we live in Chichi:  ballet lessons, tumbling at a gymnasium, playing at playgrounds, taking baths and showers in pure water, eating salads at restaurants, going horseback riding, and other fun opportunities.

This is a photo of Elena on a horse led by a co-worker of my (Heather/Erica's) mom, who volunteered her time to teach Elena how to ride.  This is Elena's dream!  Thanks, Susan!

July 7, 2013

Support raising

We have been in the States for a lengthy visit with both sets of our parents.  One of our main goals while we are here is to request more funding from churches and individuals.  We have made a few presentations of our ministry to supporters and to a couple of new church contacts.  Thanks for praying with us that God will open new avenues for support and that we will receive enough to keep us in Chichi for the long haul.

To those of you who have supported us financially: THANK YOU!!!