June 30, 2013


There are obviously many differences between Guatemala and the United States.  It was interesting for us to talk as a family about some of the differences that we have noticed:   smoothly paved roads, clean shower water, large open spaces, not having to disinfect fruits and veggies, speaking English, using slightly wet dishes, air conditioning, clean air, setting food near the sink and not worrying about water splashing on it, trying harder to obey traffic rules, no speed bumps! (except in one parking lot), and pushing fruits and veggies in a cart to the checkout conveyor belt.  But each and every one of us misses our home in Chichi!

June 24, 2013

The whole row

Ever wish you didn't have to sit next to a stranger on an airline flight?   We solved that issue by taking up the whole row!!!   (Okay, no comments about us being strange...)

These seats were cool because they had little screens to watch a movie of your choice on.  Not many good options, but we found a couple decent shows, and it helped to pass the time on our way to the States.

June 17, 2013

Educational games

Elena helped with a game of Connect Four for two youth, both around age 17, who have muscular problems.  Until last year, they had no educational opportunities.
The girl, Evelyn, played by telling Elena which slot (they were numbered) to put her piece in.  She spoke with much difficulty, but Elena was very patient.  The boy, Eric, was able to point to the place where he wanted Elena to put his piece. 

We are thankful to the missionaries at ASELSI for bringing joyful learning experiences to these precious children, and for letting us help.

June 12, 2013

Carrie's braces

Carrie is in the process of getting braces!  This dentist's office is in Chichicastenango, and he does all types of dental work, including orthodontics.

June 3, 2013


The girls had fun playing soccer, Guatemala's most popular sport, with a group of kids from a children's home in Chichi and some other missionary kids.