August 2, 2012

Exploring the countryside

We have been looking for land to buy for our ministry.  (See post labeled "Looking for Land.")  As part of our search, we have gone out driving around the countryside to see if there are even any "semi-flat" areas around.  There aren't many.  Mostly there are steep drop-offs yielding beautiful views.

Between the mountains are one-lane bridges.  We liked this one because it actually had guard rails.

The roads, called "highways" by the locals, are generally precarious, steep, and unpaved.  Occasionally, we have to to figure out how to pass an oncoming vehicle on a one-lane road by the edge of a cliff.

We go bouncing around on the dirt roads, trying to dodge pot holes.

The only other vehicles we usually see are microbuses, pickup trucks filled with people, or motorcycles.  Most of the people who live in this area don't have cars of their own.  In fact, most of the countryside is not even accessible by roads, but only by small footpaths through the woods.

Sometimes, out in the middle of nowhere, we find a dirt soccer field in the distance.  This is an indication of the many small adobe homes in the mountains where no roads reach.

There are several churches in the area that are filled with K'iche'-speaking people whose only Bible is in Spanish.  We hope to bring them the Bible in their own language some day!

After traveling for miles on dirt roads, it is interesting to find small sections of road paved with paving stones where communities have collected money to improve their particular 1/4 mile of road.

In several steep places, they have also installed strips of concrete in the road to help with erosion problems.  The people here don't have much money, but they do what they can to deal with difficult situations.  The government doesn't help much in the communities, so the communities collect money from the residents to maintain their roads, bring in water pipes, and slowly make other small improvements.

We immensely appreciate your prayers for our search... that we would hear God's leading to the right place for the right price, and that Michael's back wouldn't hurt so much on our outings.  Thanks!